
Salary Report for Registered Nurses in Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA

Benchmark Salary Information Rankings for Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim Compared to California Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim Registered Nurses earn an average of $xxx,xxx or $xx.xx per hour which is xx% (more / less) than the California average salary of $xxx,xxx. Average Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim California % Difference Hourly Wage $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.xx Annual Salary $xxx,xxx $xxx,xxx xx.xx…


2022 Salary Report for Registered Nurses in California

Salary Report for California Registered Nurses California Rankings Compare California to U.S. California Registered Nurses earn an average of $124,000 which is 49% more than the national average salary of $82,750. Manish – This section changed by removing one H2, shortening the headers and removing one column adding the Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,…


2022 Registered Nurses Salary Report

2022 Salary Report for Registered Nurses The average salary for Registered Nurses is $##,###. The three states that pay Registered Nurses the most are State 1 ($###,###), State 2 ($###,###) and State 3 ($###,###). When adjusted for cost-of-living, the states that pay Registered Nurses the highest average annual salary are State 1 ($###,###), State 2…


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