2023 Salary Report for Industrial Organizational Psychologists

  • California ranks #1 with an average annual salary of $123,090 or $59.18 per hour.
  • When adjusted for cost-of-living California ranks #1 for Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salary of $111,515 or $53.61 per hour.
  • California employs 270 Industrial Organizational Psychologists, the highest in the nation.
  • By 2030, California will need 1,900 Industrial Organizational Psychologists, the highest demand in the nation.
  • Oregon will need 33.3% new Industrial Organizational Psychologists by 2030, the highest in the nation.

The average salary for Industrial Organizational Psychologists is $113,320. The three states that pay Industrial Organizational Psychologists the most are California ($123,090), Oregon ($110,840) and Virginia ($108,700).

When adjusted for cost-of-living, the states that pay Industrial Organizational Psychologists the highest average annual salary are California ($111,515), Ohio ($111,343) and Oregon ($108,010).

When adjusted for cost-of-living the three states that pay Industrial Organizational Psychologists the least are Massachusetts ($67,610), Virginia ($107,645) and Oregon ($108,010).

The following table shows the average yearly salary for Industrial Organizational Psychologists in each state and the average yearly salary after being adjusted for the cost-of-living (COLA) in that state.

The three states with the highest positive cost-of-living gap are Ohio ($9,253), Virginia ($-1,055) and Oregon ($-2,830).

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary Range by Education and Experience

About 50% of Industrial Organizational Psychologists in the United States earn between $79,590 and $135,070 with an experience level that ranges between 5 to 14 years.

About 10% of Industrial Organizational Psychologists in the U.S. earn more than $168,300, a rate for highly educated and experienced Industrial Organizational Psychologists.

Approximately 10% of Industrial Organizational Psychologists in the United States earn under $63,750, a rate generally reserved for less experienced or entry level Industrial Organizational Psychologists.

%YearsEmployedAnnual Salary
10%Less than a Year61Under $63,750
15%2 – 4 years92$63,750 – $79,590
25%5 – 9 years152$79,590 – $105,310
25%10 – 14 years152$105,310 – $135,070
15%15 – 20 years92$135,070 – $168,300
10%20+ years61Above $168,300
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary Compared to Related Professions

Industrial Organizational Psychologists tend to earn more than Substance Abuse Counselors ($53,490), Social Workers ($54,880), Marriage and Family Therapists ($59,660), Health Care Social Workers ($62,310), School Psychologists ($82,770), Psychology Teachers ($88,390), Forensic Psychologists ($98,010), and Clinical and Counseling Psychologists ($99,640).

TitleAnnual Salary
Industrial Organizational Psychologists$113,320
Clinical and Counseling Psychologists$99,640
Forensic Psychologists$98,010
Psychology Teachers$88,390
School Psychologists$82,770
Health Care Social Workers$62,310
Marriage and Family Therapists$59,660
Social Workers$54,880
Substance Abuse Counselors$53,490
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

State-by-State Demand for Industrial Organizational Psychologists in 2030

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that by the year 2030, the total demand for Industrial Organizational Psychologists will be 5,000 with an average yearly openings of 300.

The three states needing the most Industrial Organizational Psychologists are California (1,900), Virginia (490) and New Jersey (350).

The three states needing the highest percentage of new Industrial Organizational Psychologists are Oregon (33.3%), Arizona (28.6%) and Maryland (14.3%).

In the table below, find the states, sorted from highest to lowest, with the highest demand for Industrial Organizational Psychologists in 2030.

State20202030% ChangeYearly Openings
New Jersey3503500%20
North Carolina1902005.3%20
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, 2022*

Projected Demand for Psychology Professions to 2030

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that the three professions needing the most new psychologists in the United States by 2030 are Substance Abuse Counselors (402,600), Social Workers (377,400) and Health Care Social Workers (209,300).

The three professions needing the highest percentage of new psychologists in the United States by 2030 are Substance Abuse Counselors (22.9%), Marriage and Family Therapists (16.3%) and Health Care Social Workers (13.2%).

Title20202030Change% ChangeAvg. Yearly Openings
Social Workers335,300377,40042,10012.6%36,700
Substance Abuse Counselors327,500402,60075,10022.9%41,000
Health Care Social Workers184,900209,30024,40013.2%20,400
Marriage and Family Therapists73,20085,10011,90016.3%8,500
Forensic Psychologists55,20056,3001,1002%3,700
Psychology Teachers44,10048,6004,50010.2%4,700
Industrial Organizational Psychologists4,9005,0001002%300
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, 2022*

10 Highest-Paying Cities

The top ten cities where Industrial Organizational Psychologists are paid the highest average yearly salary in the United States are shown in the table below.

The top two cities with the highest Industrial Organizational Psychologists salary in the United States are are Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim ($136,940) and Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro ($115,960).

When adjusted for the cost-of-living (COLA) the two cities that pay psychologists the most in the United States are are Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim ($122,388) and Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro ($109,738).

City / MetroAverage Yearly SalaryCost-of-Living Adjusted
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim$136,940$122,388
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

State-by-State Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salary Summaries

See state-by-state summaries for the average annual salary, average hourly salary, cost-of-living adjusted salaries, current employment, 2030 projected employment, and the state’s current cost of living index.

Find links to the highest paid city reports and state salary reports.


Average Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salary: $123,090
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $111,515
Hourly Wage: $59.18
Highest Paid City / Area: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim
Currently Employed: 270
2030 Expected Employment: 1,900
Cost-of-Living Index: 110.38
California Salary Report


Average Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salary: $72,640
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $67,610
Hourly Wage: $35
Highest Paid City / Area: N.A.
Currently Employed: 40
2030 Expected Employment: 250
Cost-of-Living Index: 107.44
Massachusetts Salary Report


Average Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salary: $110,840
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $108,010
Hourly Wage: $53.29
Highest Paid City / Area: Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro
Currently Employed: 50
2030 Expected Employment: 40
Cost-of-Living Index: 102.62
Oregon Salary Report


Average Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salary: $108,700
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $107,645
Hourly Wage: $52
Highest Paid City / Area: N.A.
Currently Employed: 30
2030 Expected Employment: 490
Cost-of-Living Index: 100.98
Virginia Salary Report

Frequently Asked Questions About Industrial Organizational Psychologists Salaries

The average yearly salary for Industrial Organizational Psychologists in the United States is $113,320. The three states that pay Industrial Organizational Psychologists the most are California ($123,090), Oregon ($110,840) and Virginia ($108,700).

The average hourly salary for Industrial Organizational Psychologists in the United States is $54.48. The three states that pay Industrial Organizational Psychologists the most are California ($59.18), Oregon ($53.29) and Virginia ($52.26).

The three states needing the most Industrial Organizational Psychologists by 2030 are California (1,900), Virginia (490) and New Jersey (350).

The three states needing the highest percentages of new Industrial Organizational Psychologists by 2030 are Oregon (33.3%), Arizona (28.6%) and Maryland (14.3%).

The types of psychologists that are paid the highest annual salary are Clinical and Counseling Psychologists ($99,640), Forensic Psychologists ($98,010) and Psychology Teachers ($88,390).

Official Data Sources for Industrial Organizational Psychologists: Salary Data | Projected Employment | Cost of Living Data