Salary Report for Louisiana Marriage and Family Therapists
Louisiana Rankings
Compare Louisiana to U.S.
Louisiana Marriage and Family Therapists earn an average of $38,060 which is 36% less than the national average salary of $59,660.
Type | Louisiana | U.S. | % Difference |
Average Hourly Wage | $18.30 | $28.69 | -36.21% |
Average Annual Salary | $38,060 | $59,660 | -36.21% |
Salary Range by Education and Experience
In Louisiana, 50% of Marriage and Family Therapists earn between $23,920 and $24,890 a year, depending on factors such as level of education, experience, location and place of employment.
About 10% of Marriage and Family Therapists earn more than $65,450, a rate generally associated with highly educated and experienced Marriage and Family Therapists.
Approximately 10% of Marriage and Family Therapists earn under $22,980, a rate generally reserved for less experienced or entry level Marriage and Family Therapists.
Percent | Experience | Employed | Annual Salary |
10% | Less than a Year | 3 | Under $22,980 |
15% | 2 – 4 years | 4 | $22,980 – $23,920 |
25% | 5 – 9 years | 8 | $23,920 – $24,800 |
25% | 10 – 14 years | 8 | $24,800 – $24,890 |
15% | 15 – 20 years | 4 | $24,800 – $65,450 |
10% | 20+ years | 3 | Above $65,450 |
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living
After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Marriage and Family Therapists in Louisiana psychologists earn about $41,048 per year which is less than the average U.S. psychologist of $59,660.
Cost-of-living in Louisiana is 7% less than the national average, which means Louisiana residents have an overall less cost for food, housing, utilities and transportation compared to other states.
More cost-of-living reports for U.S. States.
Salary Compared to Related Professions
With an average annual salary of $38,060, Louisiana Marriage and Family Therapists tend to earn less than Clinical and Counseling Psychologists ($101,420), Forensic Psychologists ($97,890), Psychology Teachers ($74,980), Health Care Social Workers ($55,060), Social Workers ($45,010), and Substance Abuse Counselors ($39,970).
Title | Annual Salary |
Clinical and Counseling Psychologists | $101,420 |
Forensic Psychologists | $97,890 |
Psychology Teachers | $74,980 |
Health Care Social Workers | $55,060 |
Social Workers | $45,010 |
Substance Abuse Counselors | $39,970 |
Marriage and Family Therapists | $38,060 |
Projected Demand for Psychologists in 2030
The U.S. Department of Labor projects that in Louisiana the three professions needing the most new psychologists by 2030 are Substance Abuse Counselors (4,540), Health Care Social Workers (1,850) and Forensic Psychologists (650).
The three professions in Louisiana needing highest percentage new psychologists by 2030 are Marriage and Family Therapists (12.5%), Substance Abuse Counselors (11.3%) and Psychology Teachers (6.3%).
Title | 2020 | 2030 | Change | Yearly Openings |
Substance Abuse Counselors | 4,080 | 4,540 | 11.3% | 440 |
Health Care Social Workers | 1,800 | 1,850 | 2.8% | 170 |
Forensic Psychologists | 680 | 650 | -4.4% | 40 |
Social Workers | 430 | 450 | 4.7% | 40 |
Psychology Teachers | 160 | 170 | 6.3% | 20 |
Marriage and Family Therapists | 80 | 90 | 12.5% | 10 |
Salary FAQ for Louisiana Marriage and Family Therapists
Official Data Sources for Marriage and Family Therapists: Salary Data | Projected Employment | Cost of Living Data