Benchmark Salary Information
Rankings for South Bend-Mishawaka
Compared to Indiana
South Bend-Mishawaka Psychology Teachers earn an average of $76,440 or $36.75 per hour which is 17% less than the Indiana average salary of $92,690.
Average | South Bend-Mishawaka | Indiana | % Difference |
Hourly Wage | $36.75 | $44.56 | -17.53% |
Annual Salary | $76,440 | $92,690 | -17.53% |
Compared to the U.S.
South Bend-Mishawaka Psychology Teachers earn an average of $76,440 or $36.75 per hour which is 13% less than the U.S. average salary of $88,390.
Average | South Bend-Mishawaka | U.S. | % |
Hourly Wage | $36.75 | $42.50 | -13.52% |
Annual Salary | $76,440 | $88,390 | -13.52% |
Salary Adjusted for Cost-of-Living
When adjusted for cost-of-living, Psychology Teachers in South Bend-Mishawaka earns an average annual salary of $83,332 which compares to the Indiana average annual salary of $92,690. per year.
Cost-of-living in South Bend-Mishawaka is 8% less than the Indiana average, which means South Bend-Mishawaka residents have an overall less cost for food, housing, utilities and transportation compared to Indiana average.
Location | Average Annual Wage | Cost of Living | Adjusted COL Wage |
South Bend-Mishawaka | $76,440 | 91.73% | $83,332 |
Indiana | $92,690 | 92.50% | $100,205 |
U.S. | $88,390 | – | $88,390 |
Salary Ranges for Education and Experience
In South Bend-Mishawaka, 50% of Psychology Teachers earn between $48,000 and $95,910 a year, depending on factors such as level of education, experience, location and place of employment.
About 10% of Psychology Teachers earn more than $120,860, which is a rate for highly skilled, experienced and educated Psychology Teachers.
Approximately 10% of Psychology Teachers earn under $45,730, a rate generally reserved for less experienced or entry level Psychology Teachers.
Percent | Experience | Employed | Annual Salary |
10% | Less than a Year | 6 | Under $45,730 |
15% | 2 – 4 years | 9 | $45,730 – $48,000 |
25% | 5 – 9 years | 15 | $48,000 – $60,460 |
25% | 10 – 14 years | 15 | $60,460 – $95,910 |
15% | 15 – 20 years | 9 | $60,460 – $120,860 |
10% | 20+ years | 6 | Above $120,860 |
Salary Compared to Related Professions
Psychology Teachers tend to earn more than Marriage and Family Therapists ($47,020), Social Workers ($48,820), Substance Abuse Counselors ($49,650), Health Care Social Workers ($53,700), and Clinical and Counseling Psychologists ($75,490).
Title | Annual Salary |
Psychology Teachers | $76,440 |
Clinical and Counseling Psychologists | $75,490 |
Health Care Social Workers | $53,700 |
Substance Abuse Counselors | $49,650 |
Social Workers | $48,820 |
Marriage and Family Therapists | $47,020 |
FAQ for South Bend-Mishawaka Psychology Teachers
Additional Salary Reports for Psychology Teachers in Indiana cities and Metros and U.S. States.
Official Data Sources for Psychology Teachers: Salary Data | Projected Employment | Cost of Living Data